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Cheswick GreenPrimary School

Before & After School Provision


Cheswick Chimps is an Ofsted registered childcare provider within Cheswick Green Primary School with a team of experienced staff. Cheswick Chimps is the collective name for our Before & After School provision, Pre-School and Wrap-around.

Our staff in our before and after school provision all work within our school and build strong, supportive relationships with the children who attend. This provision is located within our school.



Jenny Ellis

 Before and After School Leader


          Gail Roberts

  After School Co-Leader

Michelle Byrne

Before & After School Playworker 


Vicky Goddard

Before School Playworker


Chermayne Tough

Before School Playworker

Dawn Robinson

After School Playworker 

Chetna Majevadia

Before & After School Playworker

A.J. Frost

After School Playworker




This provision opens at 7:30 am for children in Nursery -Year 6

A breakfast/ light snack of healthy food, including cereals and toast, are provided along with milk and water. There are different activities for children to engage in too. Breakfast is not served after 8:30am.

The charges are:

7:30 - 8:50 am £6.50

8:30 - 8:50  am £3.25

At 8:50 am, children are taken to their classrooms by staff.



This provision is available for children in Nursery to Year 6.

Children booked into our after-school club are collected from their classrooms by a member of staff at 3:30 pm. Children are registered on arrival at the after-school club.

After-school club activities are inside and outside play (weather permitting) with free flow. Indoor activities include board games, puzzles, crafting activities along with playing with a selection of toys.

During the session a healthy snack is available.

The charges are:

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm  =  £6.50

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm =  £9.00

3:30 pm - 6:00 pm =  £10.50


Forms  (Please click on title to access form)

Before and After School Pack
