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Cheswick GreenPrimary School

Family and Child Support Worker

What is a Family and Child Support Worker?

            My name is Mrs Marina Rostron  and I am the Family Support Worker at Cheswick Green Primary School.


I am here to listen, support and provide you with information so you can make informed choices that are best for your family. Never think of any worry as too small because I am here for you to talk through any concerns you have about your child, and if needed provide Early Help support to families because by working together and providing any necessary support at the right time can enable a child to continue to thrive at home and within school.

Some of the challenges that families can require support with include; bereavement, separation, divorce, finance and budgeting, a child’s behaviour or well-being in school/at home, completing forms, advocacy, domestic violence, parenting courses.

I also work with pupils within school offering them support and ‘drop ins’ to promote self-esteem and confidence, as well as offering a friendly face for them to talk to about any worries they may have, no matter how big or small.

How can you contact me?
- You can leave a message with the School Office through phone or email.
- Leave a message with your child's class teacher.
- Class Teachers may also refer you for family support if they have any concerns and I will contact you.
