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Cheswick GreenPrimary School




‘The very best for all, in all we do, all of the time.’




We want our pupils to:

  • Respect themselves, respect others, respect all property, and respect their community and the World around them.
  • Have a positive attitude that encourages self-belief and confidence
  • Achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Respond to challenges and seize new experiences whole–heartedly.
  • Take an active lead in their own learning and development throughout their life.
  • Develop the spirit of enquiry leading to life-long learning.



Throughout their time at Cheswick Green, pupils will experience an inclusive mathematics curriculum which meets the needs of all learners. They will be given opportunities to become confident Mathematicians who enjoy and are passionate about Mathematics at school and in the wider world. The curriculum will strive to equip pupils for the next phase of their education and beyond.


Mathematics at Cheswick Green Primary school includes a progressive, knowledge and skills-based curriculum closely matched to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum programme of study. Mathematics teaching and learning at Cheswick Green Primary school is in line with the National Curriculum and is based on the White Rose scheme with supporting resources from a range of sources. The aim of our Mathematics curriculum is to ensure all our pupils:

  • Understand the important role Mathematics plays in the real world with particular emphasis on finance and 'Life Ready'
  • Become fluent and confident in the fundamentals of Mathematics;
  • Have the ability to recall and apply knowledge to a range of Mathematical problems and situations with increasing accuracy;
  • Reason, conjecture and develop arguments using appropriate Mathematical language;
  • Solve problems by applying their Mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication;
  • Be able to relate all of their Mathematical skills and knowledge in the widest sense and recognise these connections independently;
  • Become Mathematicians who persevere are not afraid to take risks;
  • Enjoy Mathematics through the delivery of an engaging, exciting and motivating curriculum.


Fundamental to the development of our Mathematics curriculum are elements of ‘Teaching for Mastery’ based on the NCETM approach; in particular, the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract learning opportunities. These enable pupils to see the 'building blocks' for the learning which takes place and make links between areas of maths and beyond. Using this approach through our calculation policy allows all year groups across the school and parents to see the sequence of learning and the journey each pupil has been on. We believe the ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach further strengthens our provision for fluency, reasoning and problem solving within Mathematics.

As a previous beacon school for the teaching of financial education, continuous commitment to life-long and life-ready learning is an integral part of our Mathematics curriculum. We believe it helps to contextualise the Mathematics which takes place and begins to prepare our pupils for the wider world of employment. It enables pupils to use and apply their knowledge, understanding & skills allowing them to see clear relationships between their current Mathematical knowledge and understanding and the next stage of their education and as part of the future workforce.



Our Mathematics curriculum is taught in units set out by the White Rose scheme of learning. This gives a consistent approach to the teaching of Mathematics across the school and gives all staff the guidance and pace for teaching and learning. Whilst White Rose acts as the foundation, staff use other supporting materials to ensure that lesson content is as closely matched to the needs of pupils as possible. Staff have the opportunity to tailor and adapt their Mathematics teaching and learning to meet the needs of differing cohorts of pupils as they move through the school.

Whilst all pupils move through teaching and learning at broadly the same pace, targeted teaching and support is used to scaffold learning for those who are less confident in Mathematics. Our 'no feedback marking' policy allows staff to closely monitor groups of pupils at the end of each lesson and adapt planning in order to plug gaps and move learning forward for all pupils. In some cases, targeted intervention takes place in order to close the gap. The use of our CPA calculation policy along with the Rising Stars skills progression framework support staff in this endeavour. These documents also aid support staff who may be delivering short, rigorous interventions to groups.

For more able groups of pupils, planning in maths is more challenging. It focuses on a deepening understanding of Mathematical concepts that can be applied to more complex reasoning and problem-solving opportunities, in line with Greater Depth Standard. These pupils are also given the freedom to begin work early where they already have knowledge of a concept or have understood the teaching and learning at a faster pace than their peers. Within lessons, all pupils are given the freedom to choose their own starting points through a 'learning without limits' approach. In Key Stage 1, teacher guidance supports this until pupils are confident to make choices which are the best fit for them.

Mental arithmetic is taught rigorously across year groups to aid pupils in working quickly and efficiently as they move through the curriculum. Pupils partake in times table games, songs and challenges practically and online along with mental Mathematics homework which aims to support and contextualise mental calculation strategies.

Our CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) model ensures that equipment is being used throughout the school to support the needs of different learners. Classes use concrete apparatus across all year groups to support teaching and learning and use visuals as much as possible to help guide pupils through different concepts and ideas. The use of number lines, beads, 100 squares, base 10 etc support pupils with their understanding throughout different areas of mathematics. Pupils also participate in ‘active maths’ where concepts and ideas are delivered through game (numbered cones, hoops, beanbags, dice etc).

In Year 2, pupils use ‘Rekenreks’ to further enhance fluency in Mathematics. The daily repetitious style gives pupils of all abilities a chance to become confident mathematicians. Rekenreks build number sense and encourage our pupils to subitise, visualise number relationships, strengthen counting proficiency, and use grouping to solve addition and subtraction problems. Pupils in Key Stage 2 are given opportunities to work with Rekenreks in groups to support number fluency where required.


All pupils have an opportunity to take part in ‘Doodle Maths.’ Across the school, pupils spend time using an ipad to work through mathematical content bespoke to their learning journey. Pupils undertake a baseline assessment and are given learning tasks designed to encourage independence and engagement in mathematics.  Opportunities to close the gap in learning are given during this time.

Real life links are made throughout our Mathematics curriculum so that pupils can see the role Mathematics has in their everyday life and the beyond. Mathematical links are made across the curriculum including our discrete lessons on Finance, which we see as ‘Mathematics in practice.’ Regular pupil enterprise and links with members of the modern workforce allow our pupils to make Mathematical connections beyond the classroom setting.

Daily, formative assessment is central to Mathematics teaching and learning using our 'no feedback marking' policy. Other formative assessment takes place within lessons through skilful questioning, movement of the teacher through groups, 'have a go' activities and pupils at the front of the class demonstrating thinking and processes on the whiteboard. Summative assessment takes place through the use of White Rose Assessments. These allow staff to monitor pupils' outcomes and tailor further support to those who require it. As part of the assessment process, teachers are required to assess objectives taught in line with the Solihull Local Authority moderation materials. In-school moderation takes place half termly for mathematics, in addition to external moderation sessions with other schools throughout the year. Two members of staff in school are qualified external moderators.

The Mathematics subject leader is responsible for the continuous monitoring of the Mathematics curriculum including the development of planning across year groups. The Mathematics subject leader assesses the quality of provision through:

  • Lesson observations
  • Informal drop-ins
  • Book Scrutinies
  • Pupil discussions

Continuous CPD is delivered to staff to ensure that Mathematics subject knowledge and skills are up to date and continuously evolving. Best practice is shared between staff along with regular sharing of books and ideas. Staff are given the opportunity to upskill parts of their Mathematics teaching through lesson showcases available through the NCETM hub and also through the filming and sharing of lessons within the school. Staff are also given opportunities to watch each other teach Mathematics allowing staff to see what teaching and learning provision looks like in other year groups and to support their own practice. The Mathematics subject leader is given the opportunity to attend cluster meetings with other year groups where best practice is shared and CPD offered from a lead Mathematics practitioner. The Mathematics subject leader also has the opportunity to attend CPD conferences where ideas and practices can then be shared with staff. The Mathematics subject leader also holds information sessions for parents and guides staff to do the same in year group meetings. The subject leader meets regularly with the members of the school governing body as well as inviting them to lessons to ensure they have an up to date and detailed insight into the Mathematics provision at Cheswick Green Primary School. From 2021 onwards, staff have been involved with CPD opportunities from the Maths Hub based at Tudor Grange Academy.



The following outcomes are the result of our provision in Mathematics:

  • An inclusive curriculum which meets the needs of all learners;
  • Confident Mathematicians who enjoy and are passionate about Mathematics;
  • Pupils who are willing to take risks and tackle problems with increasing accuracy;
  • Staff who are enthusiastic in their approach to teaching and learning in Mathematics;
  • A curriculum which equips pupils for the next phase of their education and beyond;
  • A curriculum which integrates the world of work, preparing pupils for the wider world of employment;
  • Pupils who are able to make links between all areas of Mathematics, ask thoughtful questions and conjecture answers;
  • Pupils who use Mathematical language with confidence and accuracy when reasoning and problem solving
  • Pupils who can recall facts with increasing accuracy and rigour;
  • Pupils who can talk about their Mathematical learning with ease and confidence with a clear understanding of their strengths and next steps;
  • Pupils who can motivate and inspire each other through confident Mathematical demonstration;
  • A body of staff who are continuously evolving and improving to meet the needs of pupils as they move through the school;
  • A governing body who are clear about what the Mathematical teaching and learning provision looks like within the school.



All year groups at Cheswick Green aim to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together. Mathematics lessons are carefully planned and adapted to ensure that all pupils make progress, regardless of race, gender, class or ability. Where children have a physical disability or have SEND, we aim to provide resources and experiences which will support their learning, ensuring all students have equal access to opportunities and participation. Through our mathematics teaching, we ensure that learning materials do not discriminate against anyone and are adapted where necessary. Examples include: large print, coloured overlays/paper, an ipad/laptop, talking tins or an adult to support.



Referenced throughout the document.


