Music Development Plan 2023-2024
Solihull Primary Curriculum Music Framework
We want our pupils to:
- Respect themselves, respect others, respect all property, and respect their community and the World around them.
- Have a positive attitude that encourages self-belief and confidence
- Achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum.
- Respond to challenges and seize new experiences whole–heartedly.
- Take an active lead in their own learning and development throughout their life.
- Develop the spirit of enquiry leading to life-long learning.
Children throughout their time at our school get the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate a wide range of music genres and styles including the works of great composers and musicians.
For children to develop their understanding, make musical judgements, apply their new learning, develop their aural memory, express themselves physically, emotionally and through discussion and create their own musical ideas.
Children to not only learn about music; but become musicians who are able to share and perform using their new skills.
Cheswick Green Primary School uses Charanga Music School resources.
The Music School has three main resource areas: Units of Work, themed Topic songs and activities and instrumental Courses. The Units of Work are divided into six steps and the activities and games cover the musical dimensions, (formerly elements – pulse, rhythm, pitch etc) through singing and playing instruments, listening and creating music – all intrinsically linked through a central song or piece.
The delivery of Music is also supported by a specialist music teacher from Solihull’s Music Service. This is not only to give all children from Year 1 to Year 6 to have the opportunity to be taught music by a musician but to also give CPD to teachers who will be team teaching alongside the music teacher in this very specialist area.
In addition, children will get the opportunity to sing with other pupils in assemblies and hymn practices and have the opportunity to take part in a performance for other pupils and parents.
Opportunity to watch live performances by real musicians and be taught by real musicians will be provided as much as possible.
The impact of our curriculum will enable children to:
- Children will achieve at least age related expectations for music at the end of their cohort year
- Listen attentively to all genres of music and express their personal thoughts and feelings about the music they are listening to with confidence.
- Develop their own musical tastes.
- Confidently express themselves musically by playing music and joining in singing.
- Gain confidence in composing their own music and improvising.
Where children have a physical disability or have SEND, we aim to provide resources and learning experiences that will support their learning in music. We do this by setting suitable learning challenges, responding to each child’s different needs and providing learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress.
Activities should be carefully planned by the class teacher and be differentiated where appropriate for children with SEN and equally the more able and Gifted and Talented children. All resources/materials have been reviewed with equal opportunities in mind, e.g. race, gender, ethnicity. Learning experiences in music will be available to every child, regardless of race, gender, class or ability. Pupils will be encouraged to value social and cultural diversity through musical experiences. They will listen to, and participate in, a variety of experiences in a positive and constructive role.
Inclusion is about every child having educational needs, that every child is special and the School is meeting these diverse needs in order to ensure the active participation and progress of all children in their learning.
Inclusive practice in Music should enable all children to achieve their best possible standard; whatever their ability, and irrespective of gender, ethnic, social or cultural background, home language or any other aspect that could affect their participation in, or progress in their learning.
We recognise that in all classes, children have a wide range of musical ability, and so we seek to provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this in a variety of ways:
- setting tasks which are open-ended and can have a variety of responses;
- setting tasks of increasing difficulty;
- grouping children by ability and setting different tasks for each group;
- grouping children in mixed ability groups;
- providing resources of different complexity, depending on the ability of the child;
- using classroom assistants to support the work of individuals or groups of children.